Hell hath no fury like a parent scorned

2002-11-11 12:25 p.m.

Ahhh parents can't live with them.... yeah. In 1994, my dad made the life altering choice to pick up our entire family and move us all to Florida from New York. This was at the critical time in my life when friends meant the world to me and I had to leave them, and my entire family 1200 miles in the past. Now come the end of 2002, my dad AGAIN makes the decision to pick up the family and move the BACK to New York, funny thing is I don't live there anymore. I have wanted to move back there since the first day we pulled our dumbass U-Haul into St. Pete, but I don't want to anymore. I have a job I really enjoy and I have school starting again and am in the process of making life altering decisions with someone else. I told my parents that I am staying here. You would of thought that I told them I didn't love them anymore, I was pregnant, and that I had been arrested all into one judging by the look on their faces. They know better than anyone that I wasn't born yesterday, but they will still bring it up as if I hadn't made a decision already..."So we need to talk about what you're going to do when we sell the house...� Um... are you mental?? They ARE going mental, because I am not longer going to take orders from the parents who are never happy with anything, 6 months ago they were perfectly happy here, now that they have decided to move, its Florida sucks this and Florida blows that. ??? It isn't even that I am a defiant teenager, I am old enough to legally tune out when they talk. They are so damn mad that I am not listening to them that they are turning into good cop bad cop, my dad will tell me that they will be SO far away, that there is no way in hell they could ever help me if I get into a bind and that I will most defiantly fall behind on my bills. Nice. So the newest installment, my dad tells me well when we move your car can't stay on our insurance policy anymore so I will have to get my own insurance and I won't be able to afford it so most likely before they leave I will have to trade my car in for something cheaper. Yeah ok, I am not going to be doing that, I actually said prying keys out of dead hands and all that. Wow nothing like a pleasant evening with the parents huh? I am STILL not moving up there with them. On a lighter funnier note, Saturday was my girls in the office pleasure party, a night full of food and a table full of dildo�s, games and toys for sale, how wonderful!

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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