Damn you bank!

2002-11-20 7:27 p.m.

Oh uneventful day, why do you mock me... You gotta think that when you start a day off getting rejected from starting a new bank account due to the fact you bounced one, ONE fucking check two years ago, is forshadowing the rest of the day. God damn bank, I hate the whole concept of a bank, argh. And to continue on my uneventfulness, I hung curtains and posters today. So in other words, after 7 months of living in my apartment my living room is done!! :) I am however, proud to say that I rented Grand Theft Auto, Vice City, and I had more fun listening to their song selection then stealing cars and driving them off building, huh who knew? And finally I watched Chasing Amy today, I haven't watched it in a while and thought I should pay homage to this movie that I have sinced named myself after many-a-time.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

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