Police and Fake Penises. Not related topics.

2002-12-05 8:18 p.m.

Fucking rainstorm bastard! I was nearly done with my new entry and my office power went off and poof! And if anyone out there is anything like me, you get on these writing tangents and your thinking "yeah, yeah this is good stuff" then poof and you can't get that back! Hrmph. Ok. Remember my whole "never a dull moment at my job? Yeah well today�s latest fiasco was the ultimate. So there was this freak show that worked in our telemarketing department, now before he had this position, he called our office incessantly to the point where we knew his voice right off the bat and my boss would never return his calls and that was just fuel to his fire I guess, cause damn. So he finally gets hired, and was just one of those people that is so fucking strange you don't want to be around him by yourself. So all day today he calls, and calls. My boss was in a training session today and couldn't take his calls, so at about 6 he just shows up, "I need to pick up my sport coat." Um, K. So I run along and tell boss man and he tells me to call the cops. Ummmmm.... At this point I am walking around with a blank stare, desperate to know this story.

Then my boss takes him into his office to distract him while the cops arrive. (Never mind you, it took 4 calls to 911 to get cops, good thing he wasn't holding me hostage!) So the cops get here (hmmmm men in uniform, oh...sorry) and lead him out and the telemarketing manager informs me that he is wanted in two counties on 16 counts of fraud, and here is the best part, there is a $1000 reward on him. So there you have it.

Oh, yes and how could I forget this?

Well that pleasure party that I keep ranting about, if you saw some of the items they had there and if you thought about sex as much as I do, you would talk about the party would be a reoccurring thought for you also! So this chick that hosts the party has all of our "toys" in and has repeatedly postponed their arrival. Now telling this an office full of women is like taking her life into her hands. So we wait. Lord knows I have tons of other more pressing things to worry about, oh yeah like the 15 million Christmas presents I need to buy, and the fact that I missed Charlie Brown's Christmas cause I had to work... sigh....

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004