I'm a size 8 dammit!

2002-12-09 6:06 p.m.

Aw I had such a nice weekend. Saturday I attempted to get some more Christmas shopping done, and my darling boyfriend went out with his buddies. I finally was able to get my cable upgraded so I had tons of silly movies to watch, sweet. Yesterday John and I took a tiny roadtrip to a mall I hadn't been to in years. Our adenda was simple, get Christmas presents and stop at Fredericks of Hollywood. As I knew would happen, I only got one present for someone. Ugh. However when I was in Fredericks I found this cute little lace thing that was on sale and I wasn't really in the mood to take off my layers of clothes and boots to try this thing on. So I had the medium in one and and the large in the other and just stood there. So the sales lady asks if I need help, and I asked her what size I should go with, and she looks me over and said "You'd better go with the large." She said it so bluntly that I instanly felt tears welling up in my eyes. I'm not ridiculous when it comes to self-consiousness, but I am a chick. And to be told by the 50-something-too-old-to be-working-there-not-taking-advantage-of-employee-discount sales lady. Dammit that made me mad. So I bought the medium and it fit, and if I do say so myself it looks pretty damn good. Hrmph!!

Anywho I found out today that my parents will be moving back to New Work on Jan 10th. They are giving me their couch, rock on! So I am going to have no family to speak of that live near me. Would anyone like to be my family? Just to call me or stop by on Holidays and stuff that's all :)

Alright now, back to eBay.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004