My Name's Sara, and I'm a Bad Writer

2003-01-23 7:18 p.m.

All right... so I have to move out of my apartment by the end of February. I'm not getting evicted or anything... my lease is up and dammit I just need more space. John and I have been apartment hunting for a while now, that shit is fun for about 10 minutes. Anywho I have found THE ONE. I am in love with this apartment. I am beyond the picturing my furniture in this apartment phase. It's so so nice. Sigh. I just hope everything goes super and I get to live there and not just drive by and say ooh look at that place, but they wouldn't have it.

So this epidemic of unhappiness has been spreading around my office this week. I come into work Monday ready to whoop it up to my fellow secretary that the Bucs kicked some of her Eagle ass and she tells me that her and her boyfriend of like 5 years broke up the day before, AND my boss and her boyfriend of 3 years broke up on the same day. Holy Mackerel. I guess it is for the best considering my boss�s boyfriend never told her she was beautiful once and never wanted to have sex with her and for the other girl her boyfriend had a mullet.

I also think a girl that works in my office in another department has the hots for me. I am not sure how to go about justifying such a thought but well to be honest I don't know anything about that thought. Just like a guy having the hots for you I guess, same ol'shit... WAY too long with the eye contact, weird things to strike up conversation. It doesn't bother me... it's already known that I have a girl crush on Eliza Dushku... but just for giggles I would like to know for sure.... yeah so I can push out my chest (well maybe that�s it!!) and say yeah I'm so cute I have chicks who like me.... WOW I AM NOT SERIOUS! I've never had that much confidence in myself! So if anyone has any suggestions, be dolls and let me know.

Anywho a final thought on my random unstructured tangent... I have changed my hair again. I don't just get a trim every 4 months. I change it all. I cut it short and dyed it brown and put chunky blond streaks in it. Which means nothing since most of you didn't know what I looked like before!! Oh lord!! So the big boss man was here today and was angry about the carpet being so dirty so I had to write up a memo and hand it to everyone and I actually caught myself saying... "Did you get that Memo...." I also caught my self saying and I swear to you...why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam. OH MY GOD! I AM OFFICE SPACE... soon my boss will be answering everything with "Hmm Yeah" and there will be a pair of Bob's.

Wow I think my stomach cramps are starting to affect my thinking process... I am going to stop writing before I loose everyone�s faith in my writing abilities....

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

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I need a doctor - February 22, 2004