Sunday boring Sunday

2003-02-02 1:54 p.m.

Hey it's Groundhog Day.... Every time I even hear the word groundhog... all my mind can focus on is "I got you do do do do do.." Since the damn song woke up Bill Murray repeatedly in that movie. AHHHH!!

So I am moving... however not far. I found out John and were approved for that apartment, the one I mentioned earlier. I'm very excited, however my move-in date isn't until the end of February, and right now I'm getting that 10 year-old-waiting-for-Christmas-to-come type thinking.... "Oh that day will never get here, hrmph! But just the same I'm not looking forward to my life being inundated with boxes and packing just yet. I'm also beyond ecstatic that I am moving out of Tarpon Springs. That town is so small and I swear it functions 10 minutes slower than the rest of the world. Everything closes at 9, about 90% of the town's population is Greek so everyone knows each other and they have some strange fascination with sponges and chamois. ??? If I play my cards just right I will hardly ever have to drive on US 19 again. For those of you who don't live in Florida, you've missed out on the pure evil that is US 19. Just imagine a 6-lane highway that runs for a good part of Florida, the sides of the roads are swamped with every fast food place, store, restaurant and anything else you can think of. There is a stoplight about every mile with a huge dangerous intersection lurking beyond it. As soon as you get your car up to 60 mph your slowing down for another light. You can't go anywhere good in this area without getting on that road. Once you add in the crazy drivers shooting out from every direction trying to merge or cut across traffic and for some reason those damn barricades that have been marking some sort of construction for about a year now, but yet it never seems to get done; it's a fucking nightmare. But back to my original thought I will now be living so close to work, a mall and Best Buy that I could easily take back roads and avoid US 19 all together. :)

I was so excited yesterday to have bought Not Another Teen Movie DVD for next to nothing. Take away the silly comments and raunchy jokes that seem to make those movies more popular, that movie is pretty damn ingenious. The Breakfast Club spoof was reason enough to own it.

Whew now I feel better... I have more cds to burn; ahhhh working on a Sunday is so tough.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004