You can't choose your family

2003-02-13 8:46 p.m.

Wow, how much do I suck? I haven�t updated this in 6 days. I really need to obtain my own computer again, cause this only at work shit is for the birds.

I am excited tomorrow is Valentines Day, as sick as that sounds. Not because of all the commercialism, (thank you Vicky for your wonderful Valentines Manifesto which I still have on my bulletin board) , but last year at this time I was just John�s friend and though I loved him with every inch of my being, I went out to dinner with him and his girlfriend. So needless to say I�m a lot more anxious for this year.

How excited am I for the Simpson�s 300th episode spectacular on Sunday?? I love that show, it�s so wonderful, sadly my VCR is so old that it just stopped functioning correctly, so I won�t be able to tape it�D�oh

Well onto the bitching which lately with me is inevitable. In my diary I haven�t gone into too much detail about who I am, my family and all the nice shit. But my family infuriates me. Okay.. I am very close with my Aunt and my Grandmother on my mom�s side, my mom died when I was 8. They all live in NY, where I am from and they aren�t too fond of my Father and my step-mother and the feeling is more then mutual. When my Dad decided to move us to Florida that didn�t help matters. I�m always stuck in the middle when they are concerned and it is so fucking old. So when my parents told me last year they were moving back to NY, they asked me every chance they got if I was 100& sure I wanted to stay in Florida. My answer has always been yes. Besides obvious reasons, I can�t just drop everything and make that big of a change just like that. I have school, my car and a job to worry about. My parents moved January 10th and ever since my Aunt Grandma found out they had arrived they have been calling me more then ever. First it was they were angry at my parents for leaving me there� whatever I just let that slide�. Then my Grandmother mentioned to my Uncle she didn�t� want me here alone because she didn�t� think I could take care of myself�even though I have been living on my own for two years� I let that slide too� But last night was the clincher. I love these two women to death but so help me God� My Aunt calls me to give me the third degree again. She is at my Grandmothers house, so I hear her chiming in in the background.

These are the questions I get asked,

So are you renewing your lease?

Oh stuck there for another year huh?

You can�t break that lease can you?

Never mind that I�m getting a new apartment, I was so fucking mad I couldn�t remember that. I wouldn�t consider me staying somewhere I CHOSE to be, being stuck there but to each his own� then

Well you could stay with my for free and Suzanne offered to let you stay with her also and she�s a teacher she could get you into school

Ok disregard the fact that staying with you for free would not pay for my car, or anything else for that matter and a 6th grade teacher cannot change a NY state law that says you must have citizenship for I believe a year before you can start college.

Then my Aunt asks, Oh so is John living with you now?

I was so mad I don�t think I could think straight. They are so fucking selfish. They don�t care that I am happy here, that I have become accustomed to the city and moving to a town that has one grocery store is not atop my list of priority�s right now. They don�t take into consideration that my Dad asked me up until his U-haul pulled away if I wanted to come along and that he misses me too but he doesn�t let that affect how he treats me. Why do they act like this?? Dammit it is so distressing.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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