Whose House?? Sara's House!!!

2003-04-03 7:40 p.m.

Wow, look at me approaching my 50th entry, and imagine if I updated as much as I should where I would be���..ahhh.

Boyfriend and I had such a great day yesterday, for our super happy fun in love day. We really didn�t anything too stupendous, but I went thrift store shopping for the first time and it was so wonderful. We had to leave after I unknowingly ignored the bored look in his eyes a few times, unknowingly yes�. Muah ha ha ha

In other news my office has been inundated with gnats. These are regular gnats that you can kill with a swift clap of the hand, no these gnats must be from krypton. I actually swatted one down and saw it defensively hobble around the counter and the bastard got up and flew away like nothing.

Speaking of the office o� I love so much�. mind you both owners are here since my boss decided to go on a child kidnapping spree. They are both richer then they can stand and condescending beyond all reason. One is an ex-marine, good ol� boy from Texas, who is married to Czech woman; subservient, how shocking and the other is a 28 year old priss who comes from money and can barely string 6 words together, but he looks like Tom Cruise circa All the Right Moves so we let him slide for his speech, or lack there of.

Anywho ( I am making a point, I promise) in my office there is the Secretarial girls, myself and two others, the telemarketing apartment and the sales girls. Because our business staying afloat relies so steadily on the telemarketers bringing people in and the sales people selling, we get shit on. The other departments get bonuses and raises and DVD players etc. when they do well. When I asked about raises I was bluntly told, Member Services doesn�t get raises. Gee, because I don�t put fucking money in your already big pockets I get anything. My department boss tells me to not let it get to me, but it does, it fucking infuriates me, I do my job well and to know that I will never be recognized for it is bullshit.

Ok on to the point of my story�. The icing on this little cake� we mistakenly received about 1000 envelopes and mailer forms that were supposed to be sent to another center. I was back in the break room eating my lunch and since the bosses office is next door I overheard them talking�. And one said, yeah about those envelopes we should just have the girls (us) cross out the address and write ours in. And they laughed this evil laugh, like I was watching a cartoon and I saw them transform to devils with flames around them before my eyes. Even though what they said wasn�t all that evil I have never felt so insignificant and unappreciated and, well just a joke. Again, what they said wasn�t that evil but they way they said it and followed it with that rich bastard laugh. Ugh. People wonder why I hardly ever have respect for authority!

On a lighter note, and I mean that literally, I�ve lost 4 pounds!! That is 4 pounds closer to my size 6 goal�. I�m a nine now�. And I�m excited.

Again at risk of sounding like a child� my �21st� birthday is only 19 days away��.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

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I need a doctor - February 22, 2004