Sex, sex, sex for me

2003-04-12 9:46 a.m.

Ugh look at the time... LOOK! I am at work. Pew.

Anywho... ever since my last entry when I was "down"... boyfriend and I had a discussion on Thursday night and now I am all better. Not to mention last night we had the most incredible sex, in my opinion it's up there on our best list. He said some of the sexiest things I've ever heard directed towards me. The sex where you are actually still horny afterward. Jealous? :) Then we watched Comedy Central and ate chicken wings.

I'm so excited because after work today I am going to buy an entertainment center... doesn't sound all that wonderful I know, but I am one of those people that if I see something I really like, I cannot stop thinking about it until it is in my possession. Even if it is only a stupid box to hold my TV.

I got my first birthday card yesterday.... man am I fancy or what? It's actually somewhat humorous because every day after the mailman comes I run downstairs to the mailbox, all excited, I'm not sure why or what I am expecting to be in there, I just love getting the mail. In the past few days the only things I've gotten are the water bill and those stupid flyers. Then yesterday I got the mail and it was stuffed, full of things just for me. Sorry boyfriend!

Yes, I am a dork.

Well I have to go... silly work getting in the way of my writing.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004