Idiot Castle

2003-04-13 2:11 p.m.

I am surrounded by fucking idiots, I swear to you.


Since my boss decided it would be a good idea to close my office on a Monday instead of Sunday, I have to come in for 4 hours on Sundays. Is that not the most retarded thing you have ever heard? Shall I have no rest on the Sabbath day and keep it holy? I actually had an intention of sleeping a bit more, but that just sounds nicer.


While I am here on Sundays, there is no boss, which is nice for me since I am mature enough to handle it�. well me rebellious nature of having no boss on Sundays includes me wearing jeans, drinking water at my desk and burning cds. That doesn�t bother anyone else. But the telemarketers have no boss also, so they believe that means free range to sit at my desk and read magazines and, I kid you not, make paper airplanes, at one point they had a paint roller. Well I shouldn�t knock all the TM�s it�s only 2 in particular.


Since I am at work today, a member decided to come in ( I again work at a dating service). She decided it would be a good idea to bring her giggly idiot IDIOT friend with her. Every 5 seconds she erupts in this laughter while her friend shushes her.


Remember a while back I commented on my evilness because I had gained such enjoyment at watching my neighbor�s car getting towed away. I�m not fucking genius but if I had to pay some scumbag for my car after he towed it away, I would be careful about where I parked. Every morning when I leave for work that fucker is parked in a fire lane, or a handicapped spot or some other area where a parking spot doesn�t exist. I am not sure why this infuriates me so much or why because he has a BMW (that mind you is banged and dented and scratched all to hell) he can do whatever he wants. This little G may be the king of my idiot castle today.


And again some idiot honorable mention to my boss again. He�s always looking for ways to make the telemarketers better, because they get him more money. So on Thursday he had another stroke of genius. To give them all bells. Those fucking desk bells that you see at the front desk of hotels, �ring once for help please�. Yes, so he�s supplied these people with apparatuses that make noise. See idiot 1, they are annoying enough just by themselves.


Well this lady is just a BITCH. I�ve mentioned her before. She was in sales and thought because of that she could tell us what to do all the time and have total disregard for our place here. Well she got moved into telemarketing because she was a shitty sales woman. Now on her breaks she likes to come up to our desk and go through our papers. As if everything in this building has something to do with her. She starts reading a complaint letter out loud in front of members in the front lobby, what the fuck would posses you to do that? When we told her not to go through our shit she starting bad mouthing us. Ugh.

I apologize for my tangent, but I�m getting my period soon and I�m just not up for these people right now!

But Anywho,

How much do I love Nick Swardson?

And�. 9 days till my �21st� birthday�.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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