Hmmm.... twins and stupid boss dickhead

2003-04-25 11:32 a.m.

Last night I had a dream that I was dating Joel from Good Charlotte.... lets look at how hot he is shall we?....

and in this dream I was at his mothers house and he and his twin brother Benji got into a fight because Benji was jealous that Joel was more popular...???!!!

Where does my head get this shit when I am sleeping... I'm not too concerned though.... dreaming about two hot famous guys who are twins... when I could be dreaming about being stuck on railroad tracks or something :)

Anywho... So I've been taking these diet pills. They are little pills filled of joy. They work so well, I'll eat breakfast, take one and not be hungry again until late at night. However, they give me awful migranes, really bad upset stomach, and make me very moody and angry. What I should say is they accentuate symptoms I already have :) So I'm not going to take them anymore.. sigh.

So... thanks to everyone who told me Happy Birthday ...whoo hoo :)

Oh yeah Wednesday was fucking Secretary's Day...hmmm... sitting at desk...typing things... entering data...answering phones... I AM A FUCKING SECRETARY! And my boss didn't do shit for us.. what a cheap fuck, he's worth millions and he can't even throw 100 our way to take us out to lunch. It's a good thing I already have no respect for him because it would be gone now. Not to mention there was a memo passed around yesterday saying that if we clock in 10 minutes early we won't get paid for that 10 minutes. Nice huh? All I ever hear out of this man's mouth is "I've invested over half a million dollars in this company..." and he can't pay people the, what 1.00$ for an extra 10 minutes??!!! We gets no love yo.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

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