
2003-05-03 11:40 a.m.

All right update time, I know you�ve all been on the edge of your seats�

I first have to say before I start my bitching about the past few days that Vicky is so kick ass for being so super.

Also X-men 2 kicked ass.

For the bitching I promised, hopefully someone will read all of this to understand the complete hulk-like rage I was feeling.

Wednesday was my boyfriends 30th birthday� I had planned a surprise party for him back in March. And I could never mention it here; since boyfriend does read my diary� he�s so good. Anyway� I spent a ridiculous amount of money on this party. So ridiculous in fact I have yet to balance my checkbook for fear of those receipts in there for tons of food, beer, decorations and a big cake. Yes, it was Star Wars themed. I invited a few of his friends and they all confirmed that they would be there, the party rolls around and none of them show up. I was so pissed. I could understand if they actually told me, hey you know what I can�t come tonight. But oh no, one of the people even emailed me the day before telling me what gift she was going to bring. She didn�t show up and hasn�t said a word to boyfriend since. Like is she going to try and say she was there and we just didn�t notice? Hello!!! I�m over it now, I was at the time more concerned the party didn�t work out they way I planned, but boyfriend had a smile on his face the whole night and that is ultimately enough.

Now here is where the hulk-like anger comes in. (If only my skirt not fitting could be due to turning green and smashy but no, I�m really a size 9...damn)

So my boss hires this woman. She is the �sales manager�, which makes since because every department in my office had a manager except for sales. A little foreshadowing� this woman is the devil. She just started at the start of this week, so I hadn�t worked with her really. On Thursday I close and so I got the �privilege � of working with this wench. The boss in my department had already gone home for the night and the owner left early, throughout the day she got increasingly rude with me. Now I will be honest, I have no tolerance, for anything, ESPECIALLY people who think their shit doesn�t stink and automatically think because they are a manager they are smarter than I am. Uh Uh. She asked me if I was cross-trained to do sales. I told her yes, but my job is at the front desk and since no one else is here right now I can�t leave, and she walked away from me mid-sentence. Later I was on the phone with a member and she walks up to my desk and yells, hey in my ear repeatedly. I look up at her, and look at the phone and back at her, as if to say I�m on the phone bitch. So I put our member on hold so I could, and I swear, make a photocopy for her. A photocopy takes what� 5 seconds? I turn around and she is in her office with the door closed. So I walked in and she said, oh I need a copy of the back also. Fuming I walk away (still the member is holding on the phone). I�m making her copy for her and she comes up next to me and asks me what time I usually leave at night, I told her 8:30�and she goes, oh no your not leaving then. I looked at her and she said your not leaving until I�m done with you. I just walked away, I�m really mad at this point. All this bitch had to do was ask me if I minded staying a little later to help her out, but she didn�t, so it�s on now. Now I�m standing at my desk and she walks up to me and asks very rudely if I have something wrong with me. I just bit my tongue and I�m really pissed off now. She proceeds to ask me what will happen if a member gets married and doesn�t need our services anymore. So I told her, well he will have to come in and fill out a member cancellation- she interrupts me and yells don�t use that word. At this point I understand she is a real nutbar, and I continue speaking. I said well regardless if they are canceling or not- she interprets me again, and yells don�t say that word in front of me or in front of anyone else in this office. I�m so fucking mad right now my hands are shaking. And I said, look the name of the form the have to fill out is a member cancellation form. And she walks away. This bitch is going to get cut. THEN I�m standing outside smoking with another manager (and I quit in November) she comes out looking for me and says I need you inside. Ugh. So I walk inside and she goes, you know I have enough stress being a new manager without problems from you. I said well you interrupted me while I was on the phone with a member and I wasn�t aware you were my boss, Rachel is my boss. And she goes well Rachel isn�t here so I am the superior in the office, and she walks away from me AGAIN. You could of asked me my name right then and I wouldn�t of known it, because I was so fucking mad. The reason I was �required� to stay later was because she needed help on doing the closing paperwork. I peeked into her office (well she sits at the bosses desk when he isn�t here�. Grrrrrr) and asked her what she needed help with, and she shooed me out of the office and yelled just let me finish this. So I sat at my desk and waited and she walks past me and says bye. All that and she didn�t even want my help, not to mention she did the paperwork wrong. I�ve never been that angry in my entire life. I couldn�t control myself I was shaking. The first thing next morning I called the boss and told him about it. So now it�s meeting time on Tuesday. I made it a point to mention she didn�t act psycho until everyone was gone.

The day after this little occurrence she grabbed my boss the second she walked in the door and told her that I was rude and uncooperative and that she asked me nicely to help her. This bitch is going down. She has no fucking right to boss me around. None. She is the manager of another department, not the whole office. She�s been here for a week and now she wants to change procedures that have been in play for years? Us girls at the front desk have tons of shit to deal with, so she expects us to put her paperwork together for her, and do half of her job by making photo appointments with people they�ve sold. No. So let me get this straight, you want me to leave my desk while the phone is ringing off the hook to write something on a calendar? Are you insane? Are you mental? So my boss brought over the photo appointment book to her and said well we are going to show you how to do this because the front desk girls are not going to be staying here to all hours to help you at the end of interviews. And she kept rolling her eyes, and my boss asked her if she had a problem and she says well yes, because this seems like a waste of my time. I know right now I�m off on such a tangent about this that no one is probably reading it, but you have to understand that everyone thinks we at the front do nothing. We have nothing to do but help you do your job. It�s so condescending and just rude. I hate this woman. I can�t even look at her in the face because projectile vomit may come shooting out.

Sorry I went on for so long but damn. So tell me, should I cut her or what? :)

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

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I need a doctor - February 22, 2004