I'm Going to Change My Name and Move to Mexico

2003-05-07 12:44 p.m.

Ahhhh�. How soon is now is on� :)

Yeah so that evil wench is going to get hers. What goes around comes around.

So last summer I was stuck in traffic and I rear-ended this guy. In my opinion it shouldn�t even be called an accident. I hit him going maybe 3 miles per hour. His car wasn�t damaged, mine had a speck of paint missing, that touch up paint has taken care of. This guy was so mean. I was really shaken up at the time, crying hysterically, because I hadn�t realized how unserious it all was. I get out of my car and this guy runs over to me with a note pad asking me all this bullshit, while I�m crying like a freak. Boyfriend had to step in and say grab some wood there bub, can you leave her alone for 6 seconds to stop having a panic attack. We had to sit in the parking lot of some place while everything got worked out for almost 2 hours, in the hot Florida July sun. He didn�t go the hospital, neither did I because I WAS GOING 3-MILES PER HOUR. He tried suing me after it happened and his ambulance chaser lawyer wrote this bogus letter to me. My dad called him and cursed him out for about an hour and that was it. My dad tells me today that they got another letter from this asshole man trying to sue me AGAIN. This letter listed all these chiropractors he has gone to, yeah because chiropractors ALWAYS tell the truth. The best part� he is trying to sue me for 60,000$, SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. (This caps lock button just isn�t cutting it today) My insurance company won�t allow him to go through with it, but it just makes me so mad. Why me? Well�. his car was a 1980- something station wagon with pieces falling off, rust and no air conditioning. Mine was a 2003 brand new car. For some reason he must think I have money, I do not. Does anyone know a lawyer or know something about the legal profession? Can I get this guy for bogus bullshit and harassment? That would be sweet.

On another note I heard this great story on CNN today. This Italian man was in prison in Italy and was being released for 3 days for good behavior. After going home to his wife he called the jail and asked if he could come back. He had gotten in a fight with his wife and didn�t want to stay there. The police told him to come back to jail and an hour later he was at the gate waiting to be let back in.

Oh yes and I love my boyfriend �.. gonna marry him

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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