The Matrix Has Me Confused

2003-05-16 6:32 p.m.

So being the huge geek that I am, I of course went to see the Matrix last night. It was more pleasant than I expected, meaning the whole movie going experience. I was expecting awful parking, waiting in line and getting the crink-in-the-neck seats. But for some odd reason, being I went to the 9:45 show instead of the 10:00 it was just fine. Who knew to avoid those even number showings?

As for the movie... eh. I really liked all the neato effect stuff, but the story line. Holy shitballs. You have to be a genius or stoned out of your mind to fully understand it all. At one point in dialouge I lost interest and kept hearing "Shut up Ted," and "I know Kung Fu...."

And the whole council scene.... I saw that before when it was called Star Wars. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it enough, enough to anticipate November for the next one. But if you read the review at filmcritic he gets it about right.

But my favorite? How much ass does Trinity kick? I love her. If only I could hop into a world where I would look good in a tight leather cat suit and sun glasses... :)

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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