Yeah, When did you Turn into a Nutbar?

May 31, 2003 10:02 a.m.

Last night I actually walked into Blockbuster (on a Friday night at 9 pm mind you...) and rented Enter the Matrix for Playstation. Wha??? I found it laying on the counter... and was so suprised because everytime I go into Blockbuster I have a bad experience... I was feeling a boycott coming on. But now, of course, I will have to hold out on that at least for another week.

So... psycho hose beast at my work... is it normal for you to feel such rage and hatred towards another person you can't even look at them in the face? And of course with good reason... I mention all the big things here but she is just so fucking rude it blows my mind everytime she opens her mouth. Yesterday her and my imediate boss got into it. I mean screaming argument. I give my boss credit for not taking any shit. Funny thing is... they are both equal, power wise, in the office. And bitch (I don't even use her name! he he) started barking orders at us yesterday when my boss stepped in and said hey! So the bitch goes.. well you are just not comfortable with having a new suprivisor here and you just don't like me because I won't sit up here and chit chat with you. So my boss says, well I was never aware you were MY boss, you are just a boss of another department. Silence... I heard crickets. She didn't say a word.

So this morning bitch goes to the lady in payroll and asks if we could get bonuses so we could act more cooperative. Why don't you kiss my fat ass you stupid awful fucking bitch lady!!!!

Whew... now I feel better! And again, how happy am I about next weekend???? I cannot wait! 6 days to go!

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004