This Goes out to our Employee of the Month..... Lucas!!

June 05, 2003 6:41 p.m.

So last night I had a dream that Lucas from Empire Records had a crush on me. Not Rory, but Lucas with the black sweater and pumas and all of that. At one point I was in a college dorm room and he and a crowd outside my window were trying to get my attention and he climed up to the window and gave me flowers. This probably because I watched that movie before I went to sleep, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I don't have sex dreams, I have "crush" dreams. I have these vivid dreams that famous guys have crushes on me, so they are my sex dream equivilant.

Not that a single one of you care... but guess what tomorrow is??? The start of boyfriend and I's super happy fun vacation.

I really don't want to get into work and how much ass it is sucking right now. But that whole scene between my boss and the bitch was pointless, because the bitch lied to the owner and he took her word, of course. And now we have to get along with her or we get fired, and she is allowed to be a stupid fucking whore ugly bitch.

I just can't get over this, it is something new everyday and don't feel I should compromise how I feel so someone else can be rude to me. She doesn't even know me, she never cared to get to know any of us. She said she goes home at night and thinks about us and how much she hates us and that she can't stand looking at us because it makes her sick. That is not something someone with stable mental capabilities would say. But what do I know? I'm just a dumb secretary.

But... happy thoughts... happy thoughts...

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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