Stinky Llama Face

June 14, 2003 5:58 p.m.

I hope you all enjoyed my picture spectacular. I forgot to scan on the best one; the ride photo from the Rocking Roller Coaster... it's beyond words.

I'm at my parent's house right now babysitting for my Mom so she could take my Dad out to dinner, isn't that precious? So boyfriend and I are watching Emperor's New Groove with the 4 year old brother. Sadly, I think we are enjoying the movie more :) We also brought the Family Guy dvd set... but my boyfriend informed me that that show isn't for children. Silly boyfriend.

So not to change the subject ENTIRELY... but I was having a discussion today with the other two girls in my department, and they asked me if I enjoyed oral sex... as in receving it. I did one of those huff and puff yes answers, like I couldn't believe what I was being asked (not because of the subject matter but that I thought most women enjoyed it somewhat) and they both agreed that they don't enjoy it and it never does anything for them. They looked at me like some kinda of freak because I said yes. I said, as anyone in my situation would... you just haven't gotten it done right. Hrmph. :)

Anywho... I will now be going to continue watching stinky llama face.... hehe "Kronk Out"

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

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