I'm Cool Today

June 24, 2003 8:06 p.m.

So... it stopped raining... FINALLY. I thought I Noah was coming. Holy Moly.

Anywho... I saw the Hulk on Sunday, and I must say I was a lot happier with it than I thought I would be. The Hulk being my favorite super hero, I was upset with the trailers because I thought they made him corny looking, but once you see the movie it isn't like that. My friend's cousin is Michael France, he helped write it. Or something...his name was on the credits thats all I know. He is also doing the Punisher movie that is filming in my area.

And by friend, I mean the one who I dedicated my 'Friendship lost' entry to the other day. I was online today and she IMed me, I nearly shit myself. It's been almost a year since I talked to her. We talked on the phone for an hour and on Thursday I will give her the grand tour of my new snazzy apartment. I guess all it needed was for me to talk about the situation and it fixed it. Huh! Who knew?

So on Friday I won Staind tickets from a radio station in Tampa. The night DJ, who is actually cute, wanted me to flash him for the tickets and I wasn't too keen on that idea. So they said if I drove to the station they would just give me tickets... sweet. Then I get there, they guy asks if we want a tour and meet the DJ and be on the radio. Um.... sure. And amazingly Vicky heard me on the radio... what the hell are the odds??? That is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a long time.

So anywho.. I must go home and study for my Psych test I have at 8 am tomorrow..... OH THE AGONY!!!!

PS I just spent $700 on the rest of the computer parts so boyfriend can build us our super computer. Thank the Lord Jesus, I have my own computer again.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

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