Job Schmob

July 01, 2003 7:11 p.m.

I fucking hate my job. I really do. I get played for a complete tool here all day long. First of all (here we go...) the other girl that works with me does shit that normal people at a normal job wouldn't be allowed to get away with. She left for a doctor's appointment last week and was gone for 4 hours so that she could go to lunch with her boyfriend, and she didn't clock out. She is always switching days so that she can go places and leaving early, and she is ALWAYS on a fucking personal call. Does she get into trouble? No of course not, because she is roomates with her boss. Would I get into trouble for that shit? Yes, because I am the tool. My boss jokes around about how much she abuses the fact that they are roommates, then does nothing but make jokes, because it's really FUCKING funny.

I've been working here for over a year and I have not gotten a raise. I don't get sick days and I have to work the entire July 4th weekend.

My boss was on a personal call today with her "flavor of the week" while I had to answer call after call and do her fucking management shit with people on the phone.

That fucking evil whore that is now the center director (the one I've wrote about several times). Everyone around here kisses her ass and it makes me sick. I literally hate this woman. She braggs about how mean of a sales person she is and how she can make people cry, wow that is something to be real fucking proud of. She walks around here barking orders like I'm here fucking slave, like I'm not even a person, and I'm about to tell her to go fuck herself and walk out. No job is worth this much bullshit that I have to endure every god damn day. I'm miserable. That bitch now expects me to have HER sales paperwork ready for her in the moring. Like she can't walk over to the stack of papers like EVERYONE ELSE and get what she needs. I am NOT doing that. Whatever you nutbar bitch. Then this damn appointment that she was supposed to see came out of the office to talk to me, since bitch left her in the office alone for 30 minutes and she walks up to me and says, what is this all about? I said she was bored. Oh well you need to tell me when someone gets up because she almost escaped. Maybe if you did your job correctly that wouldn't happen. My job title does not include picking up your slack because you are a huge asshole.

Then she asks me what time I leave.

8:30, for the 100th time. Well if I I'm still in an interview then you need to stay. Not can you stay but I need to stay. Don't fucking TELL me what I NEED to do. I dont' give a shit who the fuck you are, or who the fuck you THINK you are. Gee it's not like I have to pick up my boyfriend after work or have a shitload of homework to do, no I NEED to stay because she barked this order at me.

This woman has had about a million complaints to the suit in this office. That was when she was the sales manager, what does he do? Makes her the director!

Does anyone out there know what it feels like to have to work for and kiss the ass of someone who is less intelligent than you are? Bitch thought there were 28 days in June and the suit doesn't know what a floppy drive is.

I hate this place, it's the biggest joke. No one is ever reprimanded for what they do wrong. That bitch is allowed to walk around here treating us all like shit and NOTHING gets said. The other girl up here does whatever the fuck she wants because she lives with the boss. It makes me sick.

There isn't anything I can do, no one will hire me. I'm good at this job, I do more and know more then the other girl here. I've never been told that I am doing a good job, I've never be told that I am doing a good job. Exactly where that tool part comes in, I bust my ass, do more than everyone else, adn make less money.

"Oh but Sara, you need to just be nice to the bitch" why? She treats me like I am a piece of garbage, that I am here only for her, to take orders and wait on her. I don't like feeling that way. She doesn't even know me. I care about people, I get along with people, I treat people like humans, things she knows little about.

I am so unhappy.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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