
July 09, 2003 10:07 a.m.

In the midst of my pink eye, starting my period, hating my job with such passion and being just mentally exhausted... I had so much fun last night. It was the Staind/Static X concert that I won tickets to. As big of a loser as I am... I don't go out much, mainly because I always have to wake up early for some shit.. and I love sleeping so very much. Anyway, back to concert land. There was maybe 1,000 people there and I was able to get really close to the stage, until the moshing started... getting pushed around by sweaty men in 90 degree Florida heat is not my bag baby. The last song they sang was It's Been A While.. ahh I love that song...

So I'm looking for a new job, it's official. About time right? I refuse to put up with this shit for much longer. I don't even want to go into detail (so you know there must be something wrong!!) I just want to forget about it.

I must stop writing because is calling me as we speak. :)

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004