" I would do nothing... I would sit on my ass..."

July 17, 2003 6:12 p.m.

The act of trying to find another job was sent to earth by the devil himself. It's awful. This is only in part to the fact that I've applied to over 30 jobs and I've heard nothing. The whole process is so silly. A piece of paper that I send out to people is never really going to sum up what I can do and what I am capable of doing. I just wish I could tell them.. Hey! I can do this, give me a chance I would kick ass. There is not one single thing on my resume that stands out among the 50 others they have sitting on their desks.

Anyway.. was anyone else out there completely obsessed with McDonalds Monopoly? I fucking loved that shit... not that I ever won anything but a McMuffin, but that isn't the point.. you get your little game board in the newspaper and you get stickers! Anyway now they have McDonald's Bingo. Like I need another reason to get my big ass in McDonalds.

Speaking of big asses, my Psych teacher is a therapist, and for our final paper in that class we just had to keep a journal and turn it in. So last week I turned it in, and our first day in class she mentioned she did hypnosis for smoking, weight loss or any other habits people have, so I mentioned it in my journal... you know hey, does that work??!! So I get my paper back and she commented on there, it sure does see me after class (she also commented that I should quit this job!). So I did and she gave me her card. She said getting hynotized to loose weight isn't going to do it alone, just finally make something in my head click to do it, and you have to want it really bad. So what the hell? If anything else, it will at least be interesting.

I finished our Buffy season 4 dvds last night.. now I have nothing to watch but Simpson's episodes and porn I've got through bit torrent sites and burned to VCD.

By the way... if you haven't checked out that bit torrent stuff, I highly recommend it, if you have tolerance that is.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004