Damn you Trivia!!!

August 26, 2003 12:08 p.m.

Ahhhh... new job.. a whole new office to write diary entries in. It's so quiet in here... I guess I needed that though.

I already have my Hello Kitty pencil holder on my desk... snort.

I've got nothing to say really... oh! I start my Intro to Motion Pictures class today. I also found out they are offering a new class, Ethics in Pop Culture. One main thing they study, The Simpsons.... ah what a sweet world.

I used to pride myself on my Simpsons knowledge, I have that trivia game and kick everyone's ass in it; however, I bought the trivia game part 2... holy fucking shit. They are the hardest questions. I was answering questions on level four and I was not happy at the outcome. I suggest you come over to my house and see for yourself. :)

I must go now...

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004