Red, White and Blue ... and Stuff

September 11, 2003 9:49 a.m.

I was driving to work today and the radio djs were replaying the news reports and briefs from September 11th.... and they played that one specific speech from W. saying that terrorism against our country would not be tolerated and we would hunt down the people that did this. Before I could even get the words out of my mouth, the dj goes, " yeah that seems like a joke now doesn't it..." I'm not the type of person who ever gets really political and voices my opinion, but what the hell happened? On September 11th, that guy was a fucking walking target, I didn't have any doubt in my mind that we would regulate with that asshole... but no we didn't. It almost seems as if we are being bullied.... they keep promising that September 11th was just a jumping off point and that we have not seen anything yet... and we do nothing, don't take it serious... umm hello?? They fucking did it once already. I'm not saying that I'm scared to fly now, or worried that I will be walking down the street and planes will start falling out of the sky, but all I fucking hear about is J Lo and Ben.... Besides all the "random searches" at airports and being concerned with what was in my trunk so I can catch a plane... (yet some dumb ass can ship himself in a crate to his parent's house and not get caught) no one thinks about it anymore... the American Flags are no longer on every car, the "These Colors Never Run" shirts are not being worn by everyone and the flag at my office building isn't even at half staff today. I'm probably ignorant to the details and just bitching, but it is incredible to me that that man is still alive.

Ok I am done with that now.

The past couple nights, boyfriend and I were fighting real bad.... throwing things and that kind of stuff, but I'll be damned if we are not more in love and all over each other than we were before. Again, our anniversary is coming up.. the 23rd. I found the perfect present for him too... Lord knows I tell you and he will pick that day to want to read my diary.

Well... I must "get some work done", my boss is out of the office until Monday... thank God for the BeSpelled game...

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

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