Hump Day

October 01, 2003 2:07 p.m.

I didn't have a good weekend.

I know that it's the middle of Wednesday and I am just now saying that.. shut up.

I am really not a "club girl", as much as I have tried to convince myself that I should go to those places the more of a jackass I am. I don't like paying out my ass for every drink, I don't like having my ass grabbed my random men, I don't like standing for 4 hours and I really don't like strange drunk guys pulling at my shirt trying to see my tattoo. Ugh. So against my better judgement, which I am so inclined to do lately, I went to the Blue Martini with boyfriend, my old boss and her friend. Part of the place, the part with tables, was outside. It's Florida, it was was beyond crowded and while I was waiting in line I was already beginning to feel inadequate amongst all the platinum blonde, perfect body types; that even my boyfriend mentioned, wow there are so good looking people here. Whoopie fucking doo. I can't stand it. My self esteem isn't high enough to go to those places. I really don't know why I bothered. I just don't fit in there, I would much rather be sitting at home watching the new Angel Dvd's I got my boyfriend for our anniversary. Then after a few hours, we had a table to ourselves, we get ready to leave and my old boss suggests we stop at one more place and have a beer. Ok whatever. She takes us from this nice, expensive (don't get me wrong... still hating it) to the redneck bar to top them all. And my boyfriend got pissed because he didn't want to be there, and my old boss wouldn't stop dicking around... after it was going on two hours we had been there. So boyfriend and I got into a stupid fight when we got home because he was all pissy.

Then before that nightmare, I volunteered to drop my sister off at the movies. Little did I know she wanted to bring her friend that lived 20 minutes away. Ugh. Then I'm driving... Remember I live in Floria where people are dumb and driving sucks, and I get behind this motorcylce that is flooring it, than slowing down to about 35. We stop and the haggletooth woman "the bitch who has yet to fall off" on the back turns around and says, stay off my ass bitch and keeps saying shit to me. While I have a car full of kids. Yeah did I mention the classy people that live in Florida. Fucking A. So finally I yell really loud FUCK YOU!!!! And she stops looking at me. By that point I am so mad I keep yelling, even beeping my horn to get her to look at me again. Nothing. Yeah you stupid piece of shit old hag, you yell at the "younging" because your "man" is the one driving like shit, then I finally say something back and you clam up. FUCK YOU!!! I am about to say screw it with people and be done with it.

Then I made a trip to the salon to get one of the only things I splurge on, a 20$ bottle of shit for my hair. It's really tiny so I put in in my purse and brought it with my to that damn club. Kept my purse closed the entire time, got into the car on the way home. It was gone. Didn't have it in my possesion for 24 fucking hours. I don't have tons of money, but dumbass me had to go and get more. Ugh

So now that it is almost closer to next weekend than it is to that "other" weekend... hopefully the next one will be better.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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