October 02, 2003 1:56 p.m.

So it's that time of the month, and I don't mean me...though I am .. that's not my point. I mean it's that time of the month where my boyfriend gets moody beyond all reason. Maybe it's sympathy PMS or something

My boyfriend has smoked since I've known him and he had to quit last year when he got put in the hospital for diverticulitus. So I quit also, knowing if I kept smoking when he couldn't he would go nutbar.

He has started and when through the hassle of quitting two times since last November. Everytime, he buys stock in those damn patches, gets home, rips it off and smokes a cigarette. Ummm K.

One day a few months ago, he got all bummed out when he lost his breath doing something and pleaded with me not to let him smoke anymore. I listened. But on our weekend from hell last week he bought cigarettes. Every morning and night this week he has gone out on the balcony and smoked the little pieces I had left behind in the ashtray. So this morning I finally got mad.. when he said "I'm going outside to smoke a piece of a cigarette.." My reply was, do you have to? That is really defeating the purpose of quitting and buying 50$ patches. He went out anyway, saying but it's only a piece. So I asked him to throw the butts away, he says he can't because they are hot. So I stormed outside and grabbed the ashtray and poured water in it. Problem solved. I threw them out. 20 minutes later, he acts like everything is cool when I am still pissed that he asked me to help and we get no where. So of course an argument starts. He says it's my fault he's smoking the butts because when I do smoke I leave a lot left over. Sweet Jesus. I drove him to work in silence, he gets out of the car and I go to say I love you and he slams the door in my face. Uh uh honey. So I call his work voice mail and throw a fit. Then after I calmed down at work I wrote him a email that was really sweet and from the heart and shit and nothing. I called him and nothing.... GRRRRRRR Finally we talk and he's still all pissy. Still now 5 hours since that email, nothing. Insert Sara pulling hair out here. I really don't see what I did wrong, oh!! I told a man what to do. Stop the fucking press. He asked me to help, I was firm, I get the total blowoff all day. Nice tradeoff huh? I'm so dumb I always fall for that guy's transfer shit... when they try and make you the bad guy no matter what the situation is. I'm the one who tried to get in touch with him and smooth things over...damn them.

Now I get to take a Math test today... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

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