Your in the jungle baby....

2003-02-28 6:32 p.m.

Ah� boyfriend and I are all moved in and my body hurts whenever I move� a sure sign I have a bit too much McDonalds in my diet. But those double cheeseburgers are so damn good, it�s a wonder I don�t weigh a lot more then I do�.

Anyway getting off onto a tangent there.

For those of you who read my diary and remember me bitching about my extended family, Here

, I just finished writing a huge letter to my Grandmother telling her every thought that has been plaguing my brain since our wonderful conversation.

The Back Story On Why My Aunt and Grandmother Don�t Like My Parents and Vice Versa:

My Aunt and my Grandmother are on my mother�s side of the family. When I was three, my Mom threw my Dad out of the house and they got a divorce. My Mom got custody of me and I only saw my Dad on weekends. This all took place while I still lived in New York, and my Dad is from Florida and always wanted to come back here but he told me he couldn�t leave me. When I was eight my Mom died, well she was actually killed by a psychotic ex boyfriend who shot her and my Uncle after he got coked out of his mind. At that time I also had a half brother that my Mom had with, believe it or not, the man who killed her. I had always been close to my Aunt and Grandmother since they were always so close with my mother. But when it came down to it, my Aunt said she didn�t want to take custody of me, or my brother. So my Dad got to have me again and I moved in with him and my step-mom and their daughter. And since my brother had nowhere to go, he got adopted, but I still keep in touch with him, which is great. But since my dad had me back he decided to move us to Florida, he thought he could make a better life for us here then in a tiny town in upstate New York, and he was right but my Aunt and Grandma have been mad at him ever since. And in the process making my life hard with their catty comments and things.

It just seems to me that they miss me so much they become silly about it and want to blame my Dad for everything. Which pisses me off to no end and my argument is I just wish they could respect that my Dad is my Dad and my step mom is all I have and I love them. Whew! Another thought that has undoubtedly crossed everyone in my families mind is they have never been able to get over my Mom dying, and secretly think if my Dad would of worked it out with her she would still be here. They would never admit that though.

You can choose your friends�.

Hey!! Catch Up On Your Reading...

- - August 14, 2004

- - June 02, 2004

Cheer - March 08, 2004

It's Not a Tumor... - February 26, 2004

I need a doctor - February 22, 2004